Sunday, 13 May 2007

Capitalising on hype

Sadly, my blog is very topic-specific, so I won't capitalise on all the hype since last week, even if it's about the blurring between fact and fiction. I wonder how things are going to develop further, considering the latest salvo fired, and it's still early on Sunday morning.

By the way, I want to reiterate that my blog has one main, very specific purpose for me: to record what I read. It's not to review what I read, although I am happy to enter a dialogue if someone comments/asks a question.

I've also been intending on promoting SFSA, which I've not done all that much of lately. I'm still getting into the hang of blogging.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Probably a bit of an arb comment to make - but when was the last time you went into a 2nd hand book store in SA?!

These places are full to the brim and there is so much good value in them! I reckon people are trying anything to make a few bucks and they're selling as many of their possessions as possible to get their hands on some cash.

Books for 10 - 15 bucks in great nick.

When you finished, you can go and sell them back and get your next ones. They're where I'm getting all my current titles from/