Monday, 12 February 2007

And there was a Judith Tarr

Oh, and in December, I picked up a Judith Tarr, Lord of the Two Lands, at a secondhand book shop. Very very unusual, as pretty much her first eight or nine books only have been available here in ZA.

Friday, 09 February 2007

Have read, am reading, will read

Well, the last time SFSA met (our AGM in on 20 January 2007) , I scarpered off (before it could get added to our library, as usual) with the following books from Norman:

  1. Ken Macleod's Learning the World
  2. Alastair Reynold's Century Rain
  3. Paul Park's Starbridge Chronicles:
  • Soldiers of Paradise
  • Sugar Rain
  • The Cult of Loving Kindness
So far I've read Learning the World and Century Rain and have read a few pages of Soldiers of Paradise.

Oh, I borrowed Patricia Cornwell's Predator from Gail but after a few pages, decided that I'd not read the book before it, Trace, so stopped.

A book I'm still in the middle of is Robert J Sawyer's Mindscan, which I bought sometime in the latter half of last year and somehow didn't finish. Then there's Grant Charlton (of Outer Limits)'s Sean Russell's The Initiate (think I got halfway in September 2006), Gatherer of Clouds and World Without End also lying around my flat.

Oh, and Liz William's Banner of Souls. And Terry Pratchett's Hogfather, which would be a reread.

I actually had a three month dry spell end of last year: October, November and December.
I did read the various magazines that we receive at work (and despite almost a year of reading various women's titles, Men's Health is still my ultimate favourite. Still trying to get around to reading Popular Mechanics, though. Just haven't been in the mood). This is most unusual for me. Truly. It may have been due to a new hobby (Cute Guy at Gym [CGAG]) that I picked up beginning of October last year, who, combined with dancing and gymming and seeing other friends has occupied my time ;).

I have also read a few non-fiction books. Maybe I'll write about those another time. Maybe.

I do recall doing some rereading, however: Robin McKinley's Sunshine and some of Lois McMaster Bujold (LMB)'s Miles Vorkosigan books. I only discovered the latter series a couple of years ago, and they have become one of my favourites, so much so that I've pretty much been rereading them all every six months.

Just realised I've forgotten Tamara Siler-Jone's third and latest book, Valley of the Souls, which I bought–and promptly read—beginning of January.

What's the point?

Dear reader (how pretentious ;)

It seems less intimidating to write this from my email account. Funny, that. :)

There are two things that have finally motivated me to set up this blog: attending the first Jozi 27dinner on 27 January 2007, as well as reading Ken Macleod's Learning the World.

The whole point of this blog is to log what I'm currently reading, mainly from a science fiction/fantasy aspect, in order to keep a record of what I read and to promote SFSA (Science Fiction and Fantasy South Africa - And figure out blogging and other aspects of social media at the same time. But who knows, perhaps stuff that I read during work hours and on other blogs may creep in here? As well as ballroom and Latin American dancing, weight training, organic chocolate (Green & Black yum yum yum) and the Amazing Music group (

So here's to my first proper post!

Monday, 05 February 2007

Friday, 02 February 2007